My Beloved is ONE alone; Everywhere my eyes seem Him only. In search of love, I came to this world, but after seeing the world I wept, for I felt coldness on all sides, and I cried out in despair, "Must I too Become cold?". And with tears, tears, tears, I nurtured that plant with tenderness which I had almost lost within my heart. Putting reason in the churn of love, I churned and churned. Then I took the butter for myself.
Many intellectual people, with their various ideas, differ from one another in their opinions and in their way of looking at things, in their speculations, but do the prophets differ from one another? No, they cannot differ. The reason is that it is the various minds which differ, not the souls. The one who lives in his mind, is conscious of his mind; the one who lives in his soul is conscious of the soul. ... When a person is living in his mind, he is living through the darkness of the night. The moment he rises above his mind and awakens in the light of the soul he becomes spiritual. And if a thousand spiritual people speak, they will say the same thing, perhaps in different words but with only one meaning, for they have one and the same vision. This is why spiritual realization is called the truth. There are many facts but only one truth. The facts can be put into words but not the truth, for God is truth, the soul is truth, the real self of man is truth.
We generally confuse truth with fact, and we often use the word fact for truth. When we look at it from the mystic's point of view we find that words are too intricate ever to explain what is truth. ... Truth is that which cannot be pointed out, because all things that can be compared have their opposite, but neither God nor truth has an opposite. Names are to point out forms, and words are to distinguish one thing from another, while definitions come from the pairs of opposites or at least from differences. That which is all-pervading and is in all things and beings, that which every word explains and yet no word can explain, is God and is truth.
The seeker after truth goes out into the world and he finds innumerable different sects and religions. He does not know where to start. Then he desires to find out what is hidden under these sects, these different religions, and he begins to seek the object which he wishes to gain through wisdom. Wisdom is a veil over truth, even wisdom cannot be called truth. God alone is truth, and it is truth that is God. And truth can neither be studied nor taught nor learned; it is to be touched, it is to be realized; and it can be realized by the unfoldment of the heart.
late 14c., clokke, originally "clock with bells," probably from M.Du. clocke (Du. klok), from O.N.Fr. cloque, from M.L. (7c.) clocca "bell," probably from Celtic (cf. O.Ir.clocc, Welsh cloch "bell") and spread by Irish missionaries (unless the Celtic words are from Latin); ultimately of imitative origin. Replaced O.E. dægmæl, from dæg"day" + mæl "measure, mark." The Latin word was horologium; the Greeks used a water-clock (klepsydra, lit. "water thief"). O'clock for of the clock is c.1720.
I just watched DAY LIGHT SAVINGS TIME make it's appearance ... until November 4th and it will mess me up again when it goes away. I have concluded that I have WAY TOO MANY clocks in this house. Both my stove and microwave in the kitchen is OVERKILL on clocks for such a small area!! Have concluded our society has an obsession with 'keeping track of time' ... yet physicists will tell you that time is only relevant for MASS and we now perceive the ENERGY UNIVERSE we exist within. MASS is only an illusion due to our material nervous system where brain surgeons can dissect my brain yet the neurologist perceives electrical-chemical communication of the neuron that lives beyond the sight of the brain surgeon's optic nerve. (Am philosophical or what tonight?)
I wanted to be a neurologist when I was in high school back in the late 1960's - I did NOT want to be a brain surgeon!! I am 'into' INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS in contrasts to hunks of mass like a brain or the chair I'm sitting upon. OUR CULTURE IS TOTALLY MATERIALISTIC!!
O.E. getimian "to happen, befall," from time (n.). Meaning "to appoint a time" (of an action, etc.) is attested from c.1300; sense of "to record the time of" (a race, event, etc.) is first attested 1660s.
O.E. tima "limited space of time," from P.Gmc. *timon "time" (cf. O.N. timi "time, proper time," Swed. timme "an hour"), from PIE *di-mon-, from root *da- "cut up, divide" (see tide).
It is from the ancient Roman Empire and their spoken and written language of LATIN that now enables Americans to divide their reality into NOUNS and VERBS. The Roman's conquered the Celtic people in that region they named Gaul and provided the language of Old French to be spoken by the conquerors of the British Isles in 1066AD. Those in Britain were FORCED to learn the language of their conquerors from the mainland!! The legal language of Old French was boated then over to England ... to then follow in boats closely behind the Pilgrims to the New World.
late 14c., from O.Fr. verbe "part of speech that expresses action or being," from L. verbum "verb," originally "a word," from PIE root *were- (cf. Avestan urvata-"command;" Skt. vrata- "command, vow;" Gk. rhetor "public speaker," rhetra "agreement, covenant," eirein "to speak, say;" Hittite weriga- "call, summon;" Lith.vardas "name;" Goth. waurd, O.E. word "word").
VERY important to attach a NAME to a human being if you desire to own them as a piece of property!!
O.E. nama, from P.Gmc. *namon (cf. O.Fris. nama, O.H.G. namo, Ger. Name, Du. naam, O.N. nafn, Goth. namo "name"), from PIE *nomn- (cf. Skt. nama, Avestannama, Gk. onoma, onyma, L. nomen, O.C.S. ime, gen. imene, Rus. imya, O.Ir. ainm, O.Welsh anu). Meaning "one's reputation" is from c.1300. As a modifier meaning "well-known," first attested 1938. The verb is from O.E. namian. Related: Named; naming. Name-calling is from 1853; name-dropper first recorded 1947. The name of the game "the essential thing or quality" is from 1966; to have one's name in lights "be a famous performer" is from 1929.
It was my friend from Afghanistan that expanded my knowledge of how our culture USES the name that gets affixed to us on our governmental birth certificates. He told me that prior to his family's move to the states they did NOT have a 'LAST NAME'. His family had to MAKE UP a last name for their move! My friend uses his father's FIRST NAME as his own LAST NAME because it was tradition to be called .. "Rahem son of ___" as his NAME. In such a Patriarchal Culture my own name would have been "Linda daughter of Joe".
O.E. fæder "father, male ancestor," from P.Gmc. *fader (cf. O.S. fadar, O.Fris. feder, Du. vader, O.N. faðir, O.H.G. fater, Ger. vater), from PIE *pəter (cf. Skt. pitar-, Gk. pater, L. pater, O.Pers. pita, O.Ir. athir "father")
The word POPE discloses how the idea of FATHER in the ancient Roman Empire with their spoken language of Latin made SYSTEMS OF HUMAN POWER AND CONTROL using a vocabulary base. Latin originated from more ancient languages of Greek, Persian or Sanskrit from India... and molded into the Latin language custom made to BUILD EMPIRES and own humans as pieces of personal property.
Native Americans on the other hand have a MATRIARCHAL CULTURE. Russell Means from the Lakota Reservation has some really good YouTube videos on this subject area:
For example, warriors needed the counsel of OLD WOMEN before they took off for war! Such a cultural practice would definitely CUT DOWN on the number of wars our nation is now involved with from African, the Mideast and all the undercover wars in Central and South America, Pakistan, etc.
Back in the late 1980's I was told by a Lakota that my 'energy name' was FIRE WIND WALKER. I always chuckle because my name was NOT 'Little White Dove'. My brother Chris's name is ONE BEAR.
I also have said my energy name could have been "Totally Worn Out White Woman" ... and my energy name can transform throughout the day!
I am an energy system currently manifested in the slower vibrational zone where in optic nerve is limited to the visual spectrum of electromagnetic energy providing us with the word RAINBOW ( White light is dispersed by a prism into the colors of the optical spectrum).
early 13c., "skin color, complexion," from O.Fr. color "color, complexion, appearance" (Mod.Fr. couleur), from L. color "color of the skin; color in general, hue; appearance," from Old L. colos, originally "a covering" (akin to celare "to hide, conceal"), from PIE root *kel- "to cover, conceal" (see cell). For sense evolution, cf. Skt.varnah "covering, color," related to vrnoti "covers," and cf. chroma. Meaning "visible color, color of something" is attested in English from c.1300. As "color as a property of things," from late 14c. O.E. words for "color" were hiw, bleo. The verb is from late 14c.; earliest use is figurative. Related: Colored; coloring.
COLOR is another of our COMMON English words that traveled from Italy and the ancient Roman Empire and LATIN and NOT from the Germanic vocabulary of those on the British Isles prior to them becoming the conquered in 1066AD (Norman Conquest). VERY CRUCIAL DATE in understanding the legal system in our own nation TODAY!
late O.E. wimman (pl. wimmen), lit. "woman-man," alteration of wifman (pl. wifmen), a compound of wif "woman" (see wife) + man "human being" (in O.E. used in ref. to both sexes; see man). Cf. Du. vrouwmens "wife," lit. "woman-man." The formation is peculiar to English and Dutch. Replaced older O.E. wif, quean as the word for "female human being." The pronunciation of the singular altered in M.E. by the rounding influence of -w-; the plural retains the original vowel. Meaning "wife," now largely restricted to U.S. dial. use, is attested from mid-15c. Women's liberation is attested from 1966; women's rights is from 1840, with an isolated example in 1630s.
The issue of women as PROPERTY owned by males is a historic subject area in Western Civilization. MATRIARCHAL CULTURES seem to be few and far between!! And 'woman's liberation' was the result of think tanks focusing upon getting the females into the work place ... and OUT of the home. And, our culture discloses two cars in driveways and children dropped off at daycare ... DAYCARE a word invented in 1964 and accommodates TWO parents working outside the home .... credit cards, mortgages, etc.
And, back to my issue with how our culture has MESSED AROUND with TIME. The humanly created binary of:
DAY AND NIGHT .... EQUALS A DAY of 24 hours
and discloses one again the USE of the English language for those creating personal power systems (USING other human beings being controlled by the human made invention of a CLOCK - as in TIME CLOCK you punch).
DAY is an English word originating from ANCIENT SANSKRIT of India with the meaning "to burn". NIGHT is the word that finds COMMON LINEAGE because NIGHT was the dividing line ... why the Sabbath BEGINS AT SUNSET!!
O.E. niht (W.Saxon neaht, Anglian næht, neht), the vowel indicating that the modern word derives from oblique cases (gen. nihte, dat. niht), from P.Gmc. *nakht- (cf. O.H.G. naht, O.Fris., Du., Ger. nacht, O.N. natt, Goth. nahts), from PIE *nok(w)t- (cf. Gk. nuks "a night," L. nox, O.Ir. nochd, Skt. naktam "at night," Lith. naktis"night," O.C.S. nosti, Rus. noch', Welsh henoid "tonight").
The fact that the Aryans have a common name for night, but not for day (q.v.), is due to the fact that they reckoned by nights. [Weekley]
In early times, the day was held to begin at sunset, so O.E.monanniht"Monday night" was the night before Monday, or what we would callSunday night.
.................................. enough of my discourse on TIME and how Western Civilization has been constructed to provide laborers for those wealthy in a PATRIARCHAL CULTURE that has now existed for millenniums ... a culture that does not honor their children or the weak and vulnerable.
Back in the 1980's I said that a tribe of baboons honor mothers with children more than humans in our society. When threatened baboons will encircle and protect such mothers with young ... in our culture they become welfare moms. And, children learn SO EARLY the difference between rich and poor. Some children being more VALUABLE than others based upon income of their parents. Our legal system finds its root system growing out of the LATIN language spoken and written in the ancient Roman Empire that carried in slaves from their people ... and their skin color was 'white' (those that spoke Gallic or Germanic languages). NOT all slaves were black!
And, today our nation is ruled by the CLOCK ... but then there is ME ... FIRE WIND WALKER. And I smile .... and I see the beginning of my new day beginning at SUNSET ... and daylight savings times has NO CONTROL over the rotation of this planet! I do NOT need a clock to hold awareness of SUNSET!! LOVE IT.