Wisdom is attained in solitude. Bowl of Saki, December 8, by Hazrat Inayat Khan | |
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan: The one who lacks peace, with all his possessions, the property of this earth or quality of mind, is poor even with both. ... True wisdom is to be found in the peaceful, for peacefulness is the sign of wisdom. It is the peaceful one who is observant. It is peace that gives him the power to observe keenly. It is the peaceful one, therefore, who can conceive, for peace helps him to conceive. It is the peaceful who can contemplate; one who has no peace cannot contemplate properly. Therefore, all things pertaining to spiritual progress in life depend upon peace. |
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My thought for this morning ...
Our lives are made up of a million moments, spent in a million ways. Some are spent searching for love, peace and harmony. Others are spent surviving day to day. But there is no greater moment than when we find that life, with all its joys and sorrows, is meant to be lived one day at a time.
How in the heck can you talk about Sufism to people who have yet to grasp that the three letters of our Alphabet that spells G.O.D is a "European Linguistic Invention" using the TOOL of a written alphabet?
In the Semitic language of Aramaic which Jesus most likely spoke, the Aramaic word which is translated as God in the European bible was actually Alaha. According to some linguists, the word Alaha which Jesus spoke would have had the ending "a" softened or not pronounced at all, leading to the pronunciation "alah". Since the Arabic language was largely derived from the earlier Aramaic (much the same as Aramaic was derived from the earlier Hebrew), the modern Arabic word Allah is likely derived from the earlier Aramaic pronunciation "alah". Indeed, Allah of the Qur'an and Alaha of Jesus refer to the same One. In contrast, the word "God" is a relatively new, and perhaps unfortunate, European invention which has been the source of much misunderstanding and conflict. - Hazrat Inayat Khan
Monday, October 3, 2011
My love of LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY led me to my Sufi Teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan
In the Semitic language of Aramaic which Jesus most likely spoke, the Aramaic word which is translated as God in the European bible was actually Alaha. According to some linguists, the word Alaha which Jesus spoke would have had the ending "a" softened or not pronounced at all, leading to the pronunciation "alah". Since the Arabic language was largely derived from the earlier Aramaic (much the same as Aramaic was derived from the earlier Hebrew), the modern Arabic word Allah is likely derived from the earlier Aramaic pronunciation "alah". Indeed, Allah of the Qur'an and Alaha of Jesus refer to the same One. In contrast, the word "God" is a relatively new, and perhaps unfortunate, European invention which has been the source of much misunderstanding and conflict. - Hazrat Inayat Khan
Sunday, October 2, 2011

The law of harmony: that one must put oneself in harmony with oneself and with others.
I gave up my music because I had received from it all that I had to receive. To serve God one must sacrifice what is dearest to one; and so I sacrificed my music. I had composed songs; I sang and played the vina; and practicing this music I arrived at a stage where I touched the Music of the Spheres. Then every soul became for me a musical note, and all life became music. Inspired by it I spoke to the people, and those who were attracted by my words listened to them, instead of listening to my songs.
Now, if I do anything, it is to tune souls instead of instruments; to harmonize people instead of notes. If there is anything in my philosophy, it is the law of harmony: that one must put oneself in harmony with oneself and with others. I have found in every word a certain musical value, a melody in every thought, harmony in every feeling; and I have tried to interpret the same thing, with clear and simple words, to those who used to listen to my music. I played the vina until my heart turned into this very instrument; then I offered this instrument to the divine Musician, the only musician existing. Since then I have become His flute; and when He chooses, He plays His music. The people give me credit for this music, which in reality is not due to me but to the Musician who plays on His own instrument.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Writings addressing the little word HURT
- hurt (n.)
- c.1200, "a wound, an injury;" also "sorrow, lovesickness," from hurt (v.).
- hurting (adj.)
- 1680s, "causing hurt," from prp. of hurt (v.). Reflexive sense of "suffering, feeling pain" recorded by 1944.
- hurt (v.)
- c.1200, "to injure, wound" (the body, feelings, reputation, etc.), also "to stumble (into), bump into; charge against, rush, crash into; knock (things) together," from O.Fr. hurter "to ram, strike, collide," perhaps from Frankish *hurt "ram" (cf. M.H.G. hurten "run at, collide," O.N. hrutr "ram"). The English usage is as old as the French, and perhaps there was a native O.E. *hyrtan, but it has not been recorded. Meaning "to be a source of pain" (of a body part) is from 1850. To hurt (one's) feelings attested by 1779. Sense of "knock" died out 17c., but cf. hurtle. Other Germanic languages tend to use their form of English scathe in this sense (cf. Dan. skade, Swed. skada, Ger. schaden, Du. schaden).
Today I look back and realize the BLESSING I received by having my fraternal Great Grandfather born in 1875 as an active part of my everyday life from the age of 3 until my heart was broken when Gramps died when I was 11 years old in 1961. Gramps had raised 9 children and then raised two grandchildren (my uncle and aunt) after his eldest daughter died (my fraternal grandmother). My Dad's mother died on his on his own 11th birthday in 1936 (during the time period of the Great Depression) and my Dad then stayed in Chicago with his father and his younger siblings went to their grandparents home.
My Dad shared his birthday with the anniversary of his mother's death and I am sure that birthdays were celebrated in a manner much different during the time period of the Great Depression than they are celebrated in our American culture today. I was an adult before I understood why my father never wanted a party or gifts on his birthday and he would always say that "it's your mother that should be honored on your birthday due to all the work she did giving birth to you". When my father spoke the word BIRTHDAY - the meaning it carried for him held a very different flavor, hue and texture then when I speak that same word, or when one of my four children uses it in their everyday conversations.
We have been given sense organs that all point OUTWARD into the environment that surrounds us and it takes actual effort to point our lens of focus INWARD to begin a real journey towards self-understanding and self-acceptance. The trick word is the simple four-letter word SELF.
Today it is easy for me to say that it was because of my precious Gramps born in 1875 that I can spend
Child developmental experts give us such handy terms such as infant, toddler, child, pre-adolescent, adolescent and adult that one can learn in a beginning child development book and terms commonly spoken in our American culture. However, there is also COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT that provides a very simple dissection during our journey of becoming an adult. There is the CONCRETE THINKING of childhood and the ABSTRACT THINKING of adulthood.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Mansur al-Hallaj (died 922 CE) is renowned for his claim "Ana-l-Haqq" (I am The Truth). His refusal to recant this utterance, which was regarded as apostasy, led to a long trial. He was imprisoned for 11 years in a Baghdad prison, before being tortured and publicly dismembered on March 26, 922. He is still revered by Sufis for his willingness to embrace torture and death rather than recant. It is said that during his prayers, he would say "O Lord! You are the guide of those who are passing through the Valley of Bewilderment. If I am a heretic, enlarge my heresy."From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMansur al-Hallaj (Arabic: منصور الحلاج – Mansūr al-Hallāj; Persian: منصور حلاج – Mansūr-e Hallāj; full name Abū al-Muġīṭ Husayn Manṣūr al-Ḥallāğ) (c. 858 – March 26, 922) (Hijri c. 244 AH-309 AH) was a Persian mystic, revolutionary writer and pious teacher of Sufism most famous for his poetry, accusation of heresy and for his execution at the orders of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Muqtadir after a long, drawn-out investigation.
As noted in the above etymological entries for the English words AMERICAN and SUFI the dates of 1640 and 1650 may be easily seen as transitions in the etymological history of these two English words that continue to be spoken in this age.
As a linguistic anthropologist, I will go directly today to the easy to access internet encyclopedia that is free, Wikipedia. I will research the events taking place during this decade beginning in 1640 and ending in 1650.
This very simple free internet encyclopedia provides a historical backdrop for the time period of the decade between 1640-1650 in history. The meaning of those two words AMERICAN and SUFI were spotted as gaining additional meanings when spotted in writings of that particular time period by etymologists that were experts in reading and writing a host of foreign languages.
For example from Wikipedia:
- 1640: King Charles was compelled to summon Parliament due to the revolt of the Scots.
- 1640–1668: The Portuguese Restoration War led to the end of the Iberian Union.
- 1640: Torture is outlawed in England.
- 1641: The Tokugawa Shogunate institutes Sakoku- foreigners are expelled and no one is allowed to enter or leave Japan.
- 1641: The Irish Rebellion.
- 1641: René Descartes publishes Meditationes de prima philosophia Meditations on First Philosophy.
- 1642: Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman achieves the first recorded European sighting of New Zealand.
- 1642–1649: Civil War in England; Charles I is beheaded by Cromwell
- 1644: Giovanni Battista Pamphili is elected Pope Innocent X at the Papal conclave of 1644.
- 1644: The Manchu conquer China ending the Ming Dynasty. The subsequent Qing Dynasty rules until 1912.
- 1644–1674: The Mauritanian Thirty-Year War.
- 1645: The death of Miyamoto Musashi, legendary Japanese Samurai warrior of natural causes.
- 1645–1669: Ottoman war with Venice. The Ottomans invade Crete and capture Canea.
- 1647: Seven-year-old Mehmed IV becomes sultan.
- 1647–1652: The Great Plague of Seville.
- 1648: The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War and marks the ends of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire as major European powers.
- 1648–1653: Fronde civil war in France.
- 1648–1667: The Deluge wars leave Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in ruins.
- 1648–1669: The Ottomans capture Crete from the Venetians after the Siege of Candia.
- 1649–1653: The Cromwellian conquest of Ireland.
- 1652: Cape Town founded by the Dutch East India Company in South Africa.
- 1652: The First Anglo-Dutch War begins.
- 1654–1661: Mehmed Köprülü is Grand Vizier.
- 1655–1661: The Northern Wars cement Sweden's rise as a Great Power.
- 1658: After his father Shah Jahan completes the Taj Mahal, his son Aurangzeb deposes him as ruler of the Mughal Empire.
What personally catches my eye in the above historical backdrop is the term TORTURE seen above attached to the date of 1640. Torture will be applicable to both Native Americans and also those referred to as a Sufi during that time period of history in Western Civilization when Christianity had taken a very strong stand in Europe and carried to the Americas. During this time period a Sufi was seen only in the culture that today we now generalize with the broad terms Muslim or Hindu in contrast to Christianity or Judaism.
- torture (n.)
- late 15c. (implied in torturous), from M.Fr. torture "infliction of great pain, great pain, agony," from L.L. torture "a twisting, writhing, torture, torment," from stem of L. torquere "to twist, turn, wind, wring, distort" (see thwart). The verb is 1580s, from the noun. Related: Tortured; torturing.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linguistic anthropology is the interdisciplinary study of how language influences social life. It is a branch of anthropology that originated from the endeavor to document endangered languages, and has grown over the past 100 years to encompass almost any aspect of language structure and use.
Linguistic anthropology explores how language shapes communication, forms social identity and group membership, organizes large-scale cultural beliefs and ideologies, and develops a common cultural representation of natural and social worlds.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFor other uses, see Rite of passage (disambiguation).A rite of passage is a ritual event that marks a person's progress from one status to another. It is a universal phenomenon which can show anthropologists what social hierarchies, values and beliefs are important in specific cultures.
Rites of passage are often ceremonies surrounding events such as other milestones within puberty, coming of age, marriage and death. Initiation ceremonies such as baptism, confirmation and Bar or Bat Mitzvah are considered important rites of passage for people of their respective religions.
In our modern American culture of televisions and personal computers with internet connections there are NOT anthropologists setting up their offices with a secretary waiting for their appointment books to become filed with clients as a psychologist might set up a private practice focusing upon the subject area of psychology.
In this time period of American history with massive home foreclosures and high unemployment, most Americans do not have either the time nor the energy to even try to research the job given those humans with the label ANTHROPOLOGIST.
Linguistic anthropology is the interdisciplinary study of how language influences social life. It is a branch of anthropology that originated from the endeavor to document endangered languages, and has grown over the past 100 years to encompass almost any aspect of language structure and use.[1]
Linguistic anthropology explores how language shapes communication, forms social identity and group membership, organizes large-scale cultural beliefs and ideologies, and develops a common cultural representation of natural and social worlds.[2]
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Multi-tasking to the MAX
TOOL is a word that a small can easily learn. And, adults have no problem perceiving their personal home computer as a TOOL. Humans can be easily seen as the CREATIVE TOOL MAKERS running around on this planet.
I can walk into my kitchen and talk about appliances such as my stove, refrigerator, etc. However, I do not put them into the category of TOOL due to the English language system and the TOOLS that surround us in our personal environments. I can look out my window and see cars as I can look up and see a jet.
A small child is not taught that the shoes they put on their little feet are TOOLS that were created by humans. When I was pregnant with my first baby my son, I made a doctor's appointment at a clinic that had multiple doctors. By the luck of the draw I happened to get the head of that particular clinic that had been the sports doctor for the football at the University of Nebraska. After my son was born this doctor LECTURED me in a very animated fashion at great length about PUTTING SHOES ON THAT BABY'S FEET.
Experiencing a doctor that was a sizable and intimidating man get out his chair and walk around his desk and talk to me standing while I was sitting in the chair made an impression that I still recall now over the age of 60 years old. I cannot recall all that he said about FOOT INJURIES that are given children learning to walk however I did walk out of that office knowing he gave me permission to put moccasins on my babies feet to keep their feet warm. That when they were learning to walk make sure they were ONLY WEARING SOCKS and NOT SHOES.
He lectured on the temptation of mothers to go out and buy all kinds of fancy shoes that I would see in stores. However, MOTHERS do not know about FOOT INJURY and they only think about cute little shoes. He went on about how crucial it is for a toddler to learn to stand on their 'tip toes' and not have soles of shoes on their feet. This is only what I recall and he went into great detail about a host of other injuries that are given toddlers having shoes on their feet.
I definitely left that sport doctor's medical clinic aware that shoes are TOOLS I was raised by a mother that was essentially a shoe addict and back before I turned twenty-four I was given a greater and expanded meaning to the word SHOES as a TOOL created by humans to keep your feet WARM and to PROTECT your feet if you walk through a bed of cactus or on sharp rocks and that MOCCASINS would do BOTH. This ex-sports doctor definitely did not like the shoes of Western civilization even for adults and FOOT INJURIES. He went on about work related shoes being needed but in his opinion they only ended up causing foot problems from wearing them and having aching feet only stops people from doing things that may be good for them.
The ex-sports doctor was wearing MOCCASINS at that appointment and since he was standing up above me I was taught about MOCCASINS very thoroughly will being call by a doctor "YOU WOMEN" in a very degrading manner in that women are the ones WANT MEN TO BE DRESSED A CERTAIN WAY. That if a man tried to wear MOCCASINS to church on Sunday morning his wife would not let him out of the house. He did NOT like the word MOCCASINS and said they should be called LEATHER SHOES. He pointed out that the ones he was currently wearing did not have FANCY fringe and how unless he pulled up his pant legs you wouldn't even notice that they were without HARD soles on the bottom. He made a point that hard soles only help if you want to KICK someone hard (with his animation).
Today I can easily realize he must have just dealt with some foot problem prior to walking into the examination room where I had been told to sit and wait. It was evident he used me as as the target to vent his frustrations about trying to get mothers to become aware about their baby's feet.
This encounter that lives only today in my memories from the decade of the 1970's also gave me more than just understanding about feet and shoes as TOOLS. I was a young pregnant woman very excited about my first baby. It was hearing this doctor refer to 'my baby' as a YOUNG HUMAN that perhaps looking back through time made a lasting impression upon me. It is the term MY BABY in contrast to the idea of a YOUNG HUMAN THAT WILL GROW UP TO BE A ADULT HUMAN.
The words MOTHER and FATHER are NOUNS in our English language system in contrast to the words MOTHERING AND FATHERING that are VERBS. The English language system has had a very long history through the passage of human events that are deposited in the subject area of HISTORY with authorities and experts overseeing that subject area. In this age there are likewise authorities and experts overseeing the subject area of CHILD DEVELOPMENT.
As a young pregnant woman in 1973 the encounter with my doctor impacted me greatly during the time period when I was excited about my first baby. However, after I left that doctor's appointment that now so long ago. I understand why when I went to the university bookstore to find a book on babies the doctor impacted my search for the book I wanted. It could accurately be said that the doctor knocked it into my thick brain as a young pregnant female that the baby he would deliver was not just a BABY but a HUMAN that would grow up to be an ADULT HUMAN.
This idea is very difficult to attempt to communicate. Our brain takes in additional information and it is like two seemingly different SUBJECTS get connected. When I was 23 years old I had passed a 2-day state exam to become a Registered Abstracter of real estate titles. The first day of this exam I had spent 8 hours answering very intense questions concerning laws relating to owning real property. The English words that I had been exposed to were not the normal words that a 23 year old woman takes a very hard examination upon. In 1973 most of those taking that 2-day state exam were attorneys because of the need to know conveyancing law.
At the age of 23 if I wanted to buy a house so I could bring a new baby home into that setting in contrast to an apartment, I was aware that the house was PERSONAL PROPERTY and the LAND it was sitting on was REAL PROPERTY. Real estate taxes disclose the separation of REAL and PERSONAL property in that separate valuations are given for the value of the LAND and the value of the STRUCTURES sitting on that legally described piece of LAND needing surveyors to determine the BOUNDARIES.
MATHEMATICS was needed to bring forth the TOOLS used to divide LAND as it also brought forth the TOOLS to engineer skyscrapers, towers and pyramids. The mental connection between MATHEMATICS and the invention of TOOLS is a very important fact to grasp in this culture where stress is epidemic. Back in time to those memories of being an excited pregnant woman, I had also had the experience of carrying around a slide rule in high school. In the science of MATHEMATICS that slide rule could be like a kindergarten tool.
The expression "If I knew now what I knew then, things would different" does NOT apply to what I am attempting to communication. Rather I am attempting to communication understanding how the BRAIN makes unconscious connections based upon the information that it has to compute upon. SMART and DUMB also is not in an unconscious agenda. What I am attempting to communication has to do with BRAIN STRAIN.
At the age of over 60 years old I have spent a great deal of personal time, attention and focus upon SELF-UNDERSTANDING. In 1991, after obtaining a Bachelor of Science with 5 majors and honors attached I was then face with the reality that this degree placed me in a profession dealing with active substance abusers and I did not own the emotional strength to be a human placed in their personal paths when they were real human suffering and a death march. This was more like a personal MORAL AND ETHICAL decision that I rendered with a GREAT DEAL OF AGONY.
When I had returned and made a residence in a small rural town Nebraska in 1986, I encountered the TITLE INSURANCE INDUSTRY taking over the once noble profession of being an ABSTRACTER. I had been involved in what today is called the oil/gas BUST that affected Denver. I had used my credentials as a Registered Abstracter to gain employment in an oil and gas software firm that designed specialized accounting software for client companies using mainframe computers. Mainframe computers are not like your personal home computer but perhaps today more like the computers that accommodate search engines that you may chose to use on your own computer.
There is SYSTEM language and SOFTWARE language. The SYSTEM language I was exposed to was then called INFO-BASIC. My initial job title was a LEASE ANALYST dealing with the leases and preparing that information to be transformed from paper into computerized form. I watched a computer draw maps that I had only several years before spent hours to prepare sitting in my office that was attached to my home using my map making tools drawing detailed maps sometimes late into the night after my four small children were in bed.
By the time the firm where I was employed in Denver started being affected by the oil/gas bust I held the job title of Client Coordinator with my clients being from Texas to Canada. These were smaller oil companies putting their accounting on a computerized system and I would have to hire and oversee temporary data entry workers to input accounting data into the system. I was by that time able to do a lot of my work out of my home with a telephone hookup and my home in Westminister had a office with a computer screen that allowed me to phone into the mainframe and actually see the screen that my client was having difficulty with out of state. This finds comparison today with having trouble with Microsoft's software and calling their help line (which I have done). The guy at Microsoft can actually see what's going on in my home computer and I watched the pointer on my screen move and screens pop up from what he was doing at his desk.
As a client coordinator I was paid by the hour and needed to keep track of the exact times that I did different activities. If I was to look back in time this was a job that I could still be doing today. This firm was organized different than the company. Whether you were the person that sat at the front desk or the guy that held very advanced college degrees working with SYSTEM language (even more complex) every one was an ASSOCIATE and there was no HIERARCHICAL SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT.
I had had accounting experience prior to my move to Denver when my then husband decided to make his career change from law into the ministry and attend Iliff School of Theology that is located in Colorado. I had learned income tax preparation to assist him with his tax clients at his law office that was downtown in our rural hometown during the tax season. I retain the memory of being very pregnant with my 3rd baby and an old father walked in for me to prepare his farm return. The next year I was very pregnant with my 4th baby and when I walked down the hallway in the law office that old farmer looked at me and said, "Haven't you had that damn baby yet?". That memory still makes me chuckle.
Having four children, my own Abstracting Company that was licensed with my customer base essentially real estate agents and banks, studying and learning tax preparation, then to have a husband decide on a career change at the same time the downstairs of our home was in destruction due to a remodeling project with small children (piles of plaster and lathe and lathe nails with one stairway completely taken out and if you make the wrong turn on the landing you would drop into the family room) with the trailer to put the remains of walls into parked in front of my Abstracting office's outside door and trying to prepare abstracts with plaster dust an inch thick.
Today these are just memories and moves are up there high on the chart for stress. However, this move was not the usual. My husband had gone to Colorado to select the home for his family and I was left in Nebraska to attach a U-Haul and get it loaded with our household furniture, etc. while he stayed in Colorado. I had never driven a vehicle with a trailer attached and in my late 20's I drove our station wagon from my hometown to a location I had to find on a map in a huge city with four young children and I was the only adult in the car.
In 2000, the doctor in the clinical study that wanted me to write a book addressing the topic of STRESS because I was not totally stressed out with having more than one of my children carrying a diagnosis of schizophrenia was also impressed with my abilities to handle high levels of stress even back before I turned 30 years old seeking employment in a huge city as a mother of four children.
Looking back through time to my middle 30's the oil/gas bust in Denver was a situation that my abilities to handle high level of stress had reached the maximum. Using a 1-10 chart, I had reached a 10. Loosing my job as a Client Coordinator and also the head of the documentation department was like a slow painful death in contrast to swift and immediate. If I had just been 'laid off' swiftly and quickly I most likely would not have reached that 10 on my scale. Rather, there was ongoing work in preparation of documentation and the preparation of the various manuals that accompanied sold software to companies. Documentation being unique to each companies purchased accounting systems. However, the pay I would receive in the document department was much less than my work involving my client companies. Client oil/gas companies could be seen like flies dropping slowly during this time period in Denver and not like a balloon that 'busts'.
My abilities to multitask enabled me to be able to oversee the Documentation Department together with attending to the client companies I had been assigned. During this time period it was the client small oil/gas companies that were being impacted each separately and they went out of business over a period of time. There were other Client Coordinators that didn't have the option to put in additional hours in another department as I was able to do. I had moved from the Documentation into being a Client Coordinator enabling a larger salary than most Coordinators because I could put in more billable hours. I could do my Documentation tasks also in my home in Westminister and at that time period my children went to be at 8pm and after they were tucked in, I could work in my office at night similar to when I was an Abstracter previously in Nebraska.
Once I had moved from being a Lease Analyst, I no longer had the typical 8 hour work schedule of being in the office at a particular time and leaving at a particular time. If a mother has to work out of the home to gain a paycheck, this was the ideal situation for me at that time in the history of the oil/gas industry.
During the time period that my take-home pay was being severely lowered I was also carrying anger at being moved to Colorado because of a career choice made by then ex-husband to stop practicing law and deciding to enter a seminary. Anger and stress is today what I term TOXIC STRESS. In 2000, when I was asked one of the doctor's prepared questions presented to all parents participating in this study I was able at the age of 50 years old to give a very short and understandable reason for my divorce from our four children's father that could be put down by that doctor for a study on schizophrenia dealing with decisions on personal career change that as a parent and spouse does not take in consideration of the real needs of a young family.
As HUMANS each day we awake to another day. The memories of each day that we have experienced may find coarse comparison to the individual pictures that pass in rapid motion that provides the movie that we may watch on television or see at a theater with actors and plot lines and the word DRAMA is appropriate. We each have so many different people, places and situations that we encounter during our journeys each day. Two people can walk into a room together and each would describe the room after they left with different words and impressions.
As a woman that no longer carries the personal accountability for tasks of mothering child, the way I view the world around me will not be the SIGHT a young woman like I once was excited about the birth of my first child. This is NATURAL to be excited and women have a greater and expanded experience with birthing a wee little HUMAN into this world for they are given the WOMB OF LIFE that enabled it to be manifested into the experiences of optic nerves and ears that allow us to like or dislike the sound of loud firecrackers. Each HUMAN experience is so unique.
I am quite sure that if an ex-husband was asked by that doctor the generic question as to telling him the reasons of a divorce from a marriage from me, the doctor would have heard something different than the spouse. In 2000, that 8-hours of questions also involved which spouse filed for the divorce. I personally would not have wanted that doctor's job of interviewing so many parents over so many hours!
That doctor's prepared questions for parents was a TOOL that was designed for a particular use perhaps like the options available in a socket set used by a mechanic working on a car. This is the age of neuropsychology broken then into further of both clinical and experimental neuropsychology.
I am quite sure that the 8-hour interview questions were prepared by a team of neuropsychologists given the clinical study was focused on the subject of schizophrenia. This is also the age when humans are using the large neurons of leeches in an attempt to interface those neurons with a robot.
TOOL is a such a simple WORD in this world of HUMANS and computers, however we are surrounded by those suffering the real injuries that become inflicted due to the English word STRESS and a word that is now the exclusive property of experts and authorities with the TERRITORY of PSYCHOLOGY.
The doctor that spent 8 hours asking questions may have gone home that evening and yelled at his wife because she did something that annoyed him. HUMANS are HUMANS and we are taught to give them names as we name the pets we have in our home.
and today there is cognitive psychology and the baby book I purchased for use when I was pregnant was one using the model brought forth by Piaget.
Our brains are divided between two hemispheres, right and left. Likewise we have two arms, two legs and this idea can be gained between the division of male and female. We each entered this world from our mother's womb into a LANGUAGE SYSTEM that carries a history back through time. The English language system uses the same words for when you point at a NUMBER as when you READ that NUMERIC SYMBOL.
This is what I would term a very CRUCIAL concept to grasp understanding and the majority in our nation has been exploited due to the difference between a NUMERIC SYMBOL and the NATURAL ACTIVITY of COUNTING.
I use the SYMBOLS of a TOWER and PYRAMID to first disclose that neither STRUCTURES could be seen with our eyes without first the discovery of MATHEMATICS and the invention of the subsequent NEEDED TOOL. At this time in history it is said that four very large civilizations are credited for discovering MATHEMATICS bringing forth NUMERICAL SYMBOLS and inventing the needed TOOL. These civilization in antiquity are now called in the English language Babylonians, India, Chinese and Mayan.
I so frequently hear it said that one hemisphere of our brain deals with mathematics and the other side is used for our ability to communicate. And I personally said STOP right there you are dealing with an ENGLISH language system of communication that has been passed down through human history and has traveled across the Atlantic ocean. As humans we also have what is given the NAME - FRONTAL LOBE.
A humanly created LANGUAGE system carries WORD VESSELS that can be handed to subsequent generations to assist with the nurturing, flourishing and thriving of the generations that follow. The CATHEDRALS in Europe discloses the use of MATHEMATICS and NUMERIC SYMBOLS and a TOOL to have constructed the VISIBLE STRUCTURE.
To build a structure whether skyscrapers in New York, Cathedrals in Europe, etc. an ENGINEER makes use of a very observable tool that in this time period is called a SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR. When I was in high school I carried around a slide rule and the same year that I graduated from high school 1968, the SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR hit the market for sale. Making use of NUMERIC SYMBOLS is a VERY KEY idea together the idea of TOOL.
LOGARITHM is a word invented and placed in our English language system in 1610. The definition of logarithms is not what grade school children are expected to learn.
- logarithm
- 1610s, Mod.L. logarithmus, coined by Scottish mathematician John Napier (1550-1617), lit. "ratio-number," from Gk. logos "proportion, ratio, word" (see logos) + arithmos "number" (see arithmetic).
The use of NUMERIC SYMBOLS in MATHEMATICS is not the same as when I look at my hands and see ten fingers. Teaching children the ACTIVITIES of using NUMERIC SYMBOLS to multiple and divide can be loosely compared to telling a child that I need that screw driver on the table would you get it for me and the child recognizes what a screw driver is. Multiplication and division are the very simple activities that can be used with NUMERIC SYMBOLS.
The English word ARITHMETIC is given to learning the activities of multiplying and dividing. These are activities understandable by our SIGHT. The above very simple definition of LOGARITHM will disclose the English word NUMBER being used to construct what in English is termed a BASE with no connection to a softball game with three bases and home plate.
Three softball bases is the NATURAL use of counting. A small child can understand COUNTING prior to being taught NUMERIC SYMBOLS. Ask a little child how old they are and they frequently for example can SPEAK the word THREE. It is the attaching of a NUMERIC SYMBOL 3 to the word THREE is essentially the INITIATION into the symbolic language of mathematics that is a very ancient science that REQUIRES A VISIBLE TOOL.
The Antikythera mechanism is believed to be the earliest known mechanical analog computer. It was designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was discovered in 1901 in the Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, and has been dated to circa 100 BC. Devices of a level of complexity comparable to that of the Antikythera mechanism would not reappear until a thousand years later.
The slide rule I carried around in high school is also called a MECHANICAL ANALOG COMPUTER in this time period of American history when a computer can interface with the tissue of leech and over ten years ago the public was informed that humans could teach the large neurons of a leech to COUNT with the intention of creating a robot interface with these large neurons.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Introduction - BRAIN STRAIN
I am writing in response to previous questions asked to me by my son and he is my target audience. I am sending copies to those on my email list and the choice to read what I write is theirs. This is but the first in what I intend to be a series of my writings to my son.
The BRAIN does not think in the English language
The Tower of Babel and Pyramids of Egypt
Introduction - BRAIN STRAIN
In 2000 I participated in a national clinical study focused upon the subject area of schizophrenia as a 'parent' in Denver. I spent 8 hours with a doctor that specialized in this disorder asking me what seemed to be a series of never ending questions. This 8 hour experience could find similarity to sitting in a witness seat in a courtroom and being asked very direct and pointed questions about people, places and situations of my life back in time to my own childhood (not just questions about my children). There was a half an hour for lunch break and two 15 minute breaks and this interview would be described by me as VERY formal in contrast to relaxed.
It was after I had been given the closing 'thank you' statements involving this 8 hours of questioning the voice of the doctor seemed to change into the voice of a non-professional and I was asked if I minded that he wanted to ask me some questions that were not part of the clinical project.
The doctor stated that he had a great deal of experience interacting with parents involved with schizophrenia and he wanted to know how I handled personal stress because whatever I had been doing was something that enabled me not to be 'totally stressed out' in contrast to other parents having only 1 child with such diagnosis in contrast to my own involvement with this disorder with my own children let alone an ex-husband, the father of my 4 children.
I recall back in 2000, first responding and chuckling that he should have been stressed out listening to me talk about myself for 8 hours! Today I could say that was one of the best therapeutically experiences of my life having someone spend that amount of time asking me very in depth questions about MYSELF and those people, places and experiences of my life.
I could not hand the doctor a key to why I was not a totally stressed out human in 2000 like some secret meditation I used, or something that doctor could learn involving stress reduction. I could only just tell him:
The doctor told me that I should write a book to help other parents deal with STRESS. Since 2000 I have occasionally contemplated upon this interaction with that doctor and writing on the subject area of STRESS, and today I concluded he should have asked me to write a book about dealing with STRAIN.
Brain Strain - American culture
In the 1950's I learned to read in school using the STANDARDIZED reading books called the "Dick, Jane and Spot" series. Likewise, I learned my ABC's and numbers as were those other children around me. This is a simple example of BRAIN STRAIN inflicted upon small children. I would compare this to making children carry a bucket full of water up a hill each day. I find it no surprise that our school SYSTEM is failing at this time in history. The key term in this paragraph is STANDARDIZED. Education in our American culture is overseen by an INSTITUTION providing the experts, specialists, and authorities upon the word EDUCATION.
A child's brain has the ability to memorize just as they could be instructed to pick up buckets of water and carry them uphill every day. STRAIN is the term I would use for childhood mental activities overseen by experts, specialists and authorities within our American culture.
STRAIN carries the potentiality to inflict injury and there is little wonder there are herds of adults in our society passing through our culture's institutionalized educational system actually dying from what the medical profession simply terms with their handy-dandy label STRESS RELATED DISORDERS.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tower of Babel ....
- PROPERTY ownership ... teaching the British speaking Old English the rules of the EMPIRE after Normandy Conquest of c.1066 and those on the British Isles had to learn the non-Germanic language of their conquerors - a language finding a linguistic root system straight into the Roman Empire (Latin the spoken and written language of those in ancient Rome (Romantic languages such as French, Spanish were given the name Romantic not because of love rather because of Rome and finding a linguistic root system to ancient Latin) ... the building of empires .... EACH WORD IS A BRICK THAT CAN BE USED IN CONSTRUCTION - AND THERE WAS THE SO ANCIENT TEACHING OF THE TOWER OF BABEL. It was those that could read and write that held societal power in the West .... the written word is a human TOOL. Control the language and you control the people that speak that TONGUE - the MOUTH is the Mysterious Cave that mystics have addressed throughout time.
- savior
- c.1300, "one who delivers or rescues from peril," also a title of Jesus Christ, from O.Fr. sauveour, from L.L. salvatorem (nom. salvator) "a saver, preserver" (cf. Sp. salvador, It. salvatore), from salvatus, pp. of salvare "to save" (see save (v.)). In Christian sense, translation of Gk. soter "savior." Replaced O.E. hælend, lit. "healing," noun use of prp. of hælan (see heal).
- anoint
- c.1300 (implied in anointing), from O.Fr. enoint "smeared on," pp. of enoindre "smear on," from L. inunguere, from in- "on" + unguere "to smear" (see unguent). Originally in reference to grease or oil smeared on for medicinal purposes; its use in the Coverdale Bible in reference to Christ (cf. The Lord's Anointed, see chrism) has spiritualized the word.
- unguent
- "ointment," mid-15c., from L. unguentem "ointment," from stem of unguere "to anoint or smear with ointment," from PIE base *ongw- "to salve, anoint" (cf. Skt. anakti "anoints, smears," Armenian aucanem "I anoint," O.Pruss. anctan "butter," O.H.G. ancho, Ger. anke "butter," O.Ir. imb, Welsh ymenyn "butter").
- messiah
- c.1300, Messias, from L.L. Messias, from Gk. Messias, from Aramaic meshiha and Heb. mashiah "anointed" (of the Lord), from mashah "anoint." This is the word rendered in Septuagint as Gk. Khristos (see Christ). In O.T. prophetic writing, it was used of an expected deliverer of the Jewish nation. The modern English form represents an attempt to make the word look more Hebrew, and dates from the Geneva Bible (1560). Transferred sense of "an expected liberator or savior of a captive people" is attested from 1660s.
- Christ
- title given to Jesus of Nazareth, O.E. crist, from L. Christus, from Gk. khristos "the anointed" (translation of Heb. mashiah; see messiah), verbal adj. of khriein "to rub, anoint" (see chrism). The L. term drove out O.E. hæland "healer" as the preferred descriptive term for Jesus. A title, treated as a proper name in O.E., but not regularly capitalized until 17c. Pronunciation with long -i- is result of Irish missionary work in England, 7c.-8c. The ch- form, regular since c.1500, was rare before. Capitalization of the word begins 14c. but is not fixed until 17c.
- heal
- O.E. hælan "make whole, sound and well," from P.Gmc. *khailaz (cf. O.S. helian, O.N. heila, O.Fris. hela, Du. heelen, Ger. heilen), lit. "to make whole," which is also the source of O.E. hal (see health). Related: Healed; healing. Heal-all as a native word for "panacea" is attested from 1570s; applied to various plants since 1853.
- domain
- early 15c., in Scottish, from M.Fr. domaine "domain, estate," from O.Fr. demaine "lord's estate," from L. dominium "property, dominion," from dominus "lord, master, owner," from domus "house" (see domestic). Form influenced in O.Fr. by M.L. domanium "domain, estate." Internet domain name attested by 1985.
- lord
- M.E. laverd, loverd (13c.), from O.E. hlaford "master of a household, ruler, superior," also "God" (translating L. Dominus, though O.E. drihten was used more often), earlier hlafweard, lit. "one who guards the loaves," from hlaf "bread, loaf" + weard "keeper, guardian, ward." Cf. lady, and O.E. hlafæta "household servant," lit. "loaf-eater." Modern monosyllabic form emerged 14c. The verb meaning "to play the lord, domineer" is from late 14c.; to lord it is from 1570s. Interjection Lordy first attested 1853, Amer.Eng. Lord of the Flies translates Beelzebub (q.v.) and was name of 1954 book by William Golding.